Dialogue (Old - New)
Plasma Sword
Before Battle with CPU Bilstein
Bilstein: We must retire the artificial girl, Luca. She's a threat to us.
Gore: Wait, Bilstein! Not Luca! She's important to me...
Bilstein: Gore... Are you disobeying my orders?
Gore: I don't care! I'll destroy you if you harm Luca!
Before Battle with CPU Claire
Claire: Gore, why did you betray Bilstein? Have you gone mad?
Gore: I want nothing more to do with him! I'll destroy anyone who opposes me!
Before Battle with CPU Eagle
Eagle: You're an insane mage, Gore! I swear I'll see you dead!
Gore: What is that about? You're only a child. And a fool at that.
Eagle: Heed my words... You'll see! You must be judged by the sky!
Gore: You think you'll win? It's too late to back out now if you don't!
Defeated CPU Eagle
A man of justice like yourself is very scarce these days! I think I should stuff you!
Gore: Bilstein and I are through! What shall we do now?
Luca: As long as I'm with you, I'll be happy!
Gore: Okay, then let's do some experiments with those "animals" in the lab!
Special Ending
Luca: Gore, what should we do now? We are wanted by the Federation Force, you know...
Gore: Don't worry, Luca. Anything is possible with Plasma magic!
Luca: ...It's been a year since we moved here.
Gore: Yes... I don't think they figured I would ever change my appearance.
Luca: I prefer your new appearance... Gore? My wish is for us to stay together, forever!
Gore: No problem... Anything is possible with Plasma magic!
Win Quote
I don't like you...!
Sorry, I took it seriously!
Now, how should I kill you...?
How foolish of you to go against me...
Okay, I'll experiment Plasma magic on you!
Kya ha ha ha ha! You're such an idiot and a fool!
You dared to attack me! For that, I shall pay you back a million times and more!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)