Cinema (Old - New)
Frank's Ending
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Frank West
Geez... I hope we can finally put all that nonsense behind us.
Ken the Eagle
It was all thanks to you. You saved reality. We all owe you our deepest thanks.
Joe the Condor
...I'm glad I met someone like you. It's a shame you have to leave. I'm sure we would have been good friends.
Frank West
Yeah, I hear you, Joe. But before I go, isn't there something you're all forgetting?
What are we forgetting...?
Frank West
Something pretty important. Come on, everyone. Gather round.
Several days later...
Jessie: There you are, Frank. I couldn't find you.
Jessie: Oh... You're looking at that picture again. I guess it's really special to you, isn't it?
Frank West
You could say that. If I ever get around to publishing a book of my best work, I want this photo in it.
Brad: Are you talking about that picture from some Halloween party? I gotta say, they do look cool in their costumes.
Jessie: The funny thing is that you look like you fit right in. So Mr. Cameraman, you got a title for this picture yet?
Frank West
A title? Hmm...
Frank West
Hmm... Mm... OK, I got something. If we make it out of this, I'm gonna frame it.
Frank West
I call this picture Ultimate All-Stars! What do you think?
Frank West
Joe the Condor
Jun the Swan's Ending (Continue to Fight Evil All Over the World)
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Jun and her friends returned to their own world. Upon their return, they attacked Galactor's main fortress and completely routed them.
Jun the Swan
We finally won... Galactor's armies will never trouble this world again.
Jun the Swan
Now that they're gone, what am I going to do with myself?
Jun the Swan
There are others in this world who are just as bad as Galactor.
Jun the Swan
I can't quit now. I'm a member of the Science Ninja! It's my duty to fight evil!
Jun the Swan
Come on, Ken! We need to root out those who would try to hurt the innocent!
Ken the Eagle
I like your spirit, Jun. You've really been putting your all into work. And that's good, but...
Jun the Swan
But what?
Ken the Eagle
Well... it's... umm... you see...
Ken the Eagle
It's... your underwear... everyone can see it...
Jun the Swan
Viewtiful Joe's Ending
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Viewtiful Joe
Yaaa-hoo! You got beat bad, monster!
Viewtiful Joe
You got put down by the hottest, rockingest hero in the world: me, Viewtiful Joe! You're lucky it was me and not some third-string stunt double!
*Rumble, rumble!*
Viewtiful Joe
Yo-yo-yo! What's goin' on!? Is the dimensional balance shifting again?
Viewtiful Joe
No way! This can't be happening! The Science Ninja! And Casshern! And that cool guy Polymer!
Viewtiful Joe
I'm not gonna be able to fight with all those kick-ass Japanese anime guys again!!
Viewtiful Joe
Ken the Eagle
That guy never stopped talking for a minute.
I kind of liked him. He had spirit.
He was an interesting character. Maybe... we might run into him again?
Ken the Eagle
Yes, even though he was a chatterbox, he's still a hero, and a darn good one at that!
Viewtiful Joe
Fighter ID
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(by Bio)