Dialogue (Old - New)
Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
Lei Kung, I have shamed you...
DHC second tag
I'm here!
DHC third tag
Heroes For Hire.
Entry (two teammates down)
The odds are irrelevant.
Match Start
The Iron Fist can hold back the storm.
Fair warning... I'm registered as a lethal weapon.
Match Start vs. Akuma
I look forward to fighting a real warrior.
Match Start vs. Arthur
My iron fist will shred that armor like paper.
Match Start vs. Chun-Li
Daughters of the Dragon called. They want their everything back.
Match Start vs. Iron Man
Technology is no substitute for skill.
Match Start vs. Ryu
Come on, let's see what you've got.
Match Start vs. Vergil
A dragon will always beat a demon-spawn, boy.
And they call Luke Cage 'Power Man'.
I've forgotten more about fighting than you'll ever know.
Losing to you would have set back the Iron Fist legacy for generations.
Victory vs. Akuma
I suppose we proved who the REAL "Master of the Fist" is.
Victory vs. Arthur
This is one dragon you could not slay, knight.
Victory vs. Chun-Li
With some training, you might not be half bad.
Victory vs. Iron Man
Man of Iron versus Fist of Iron was no contest.
Victory vs. Ryu
You fought with honor. You would be most welcome in K'un-Lun.
Victory vs. Vergil
I think your brother would've put up a better fight...
Win Quote vs. Magneto
Clearly the Master of Magnetism has no effect on a Fist of Iron.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
You are a worthy opponent, Ryu. In fact, in time you might be a worthy successor of the Iron Fist. But not today.
Win Quote vs. Strider Hiryu
Even in K'un-Lun we have heard of your prowess, Strider. So I expected more. MUCH more.
Win Quote vs. Taskmaster
You can copy my moves all you want. But you'll never be as good as me.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)