Dialogue (Old - New)
Street Fighter 3
Win Quote
So weak! Are you trying to dull my fighting senses?!
If you trained harder, maybe you wouldn't fall so quickly. Pathetic!
Are you paralyzed yet? You're way below my expectations, but that's nothing new.
I should have been conquering the world, not wasting my time with the likes of you.
I held back, and still you cower on the ground like a peon. What a waste of human life!
You call yourself well-trained? Obviously humans follow the wrong leaders... anyone but me!
Win Quote vs. Alex
You were only slightly easier to defeat than the one who came before me.
Win Quote vs. Dudley
You cling to your sense of pride like a fool on a sinking ship.
Win Quote vs. Elena
I respect you, passionate female warrior, but my respect will not save you!
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
Ninjitsu is a rare style that I respect, but you make a mockery of the art. You have no chance.
Win Quote vs. Ken
Your tongue isn't as sharp when you're lying prone on your back, is it, kid? Where's your spirit?
Win Quote vs. Necro
I thought I granted you the ability to fight... Obviously, you are defective.
Win Quote vs. Oro
You are powerful for your old age, but my ambition surpasses yours a thousand-fold.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
If you let your troubled mind stand in your way, it doesn't take much to slaughter you.
Win Quote vs. Sean
Like a prayer without faith, your moves are incomplete. Your odds to win are one in a million.
Win Quote vs. Yang
You and your older brother could have challenged me together, but instead you perish apart.
Win Quote vs. Yun
Chinese martial arts look beautiful. But, that is all.
Street Fighter 3: 2nd Impact
Win Quote
Ignorant of your own incompetence... What a fool.
Look into my eyes! I'll carve the mark of defeat on your brow.
You actually made me pay attention to this fight, for a moment.
If you tried harder, maybe you wouldn't fall so quickly. Pathetic!
I admire your courage, but you'd be a fool to stand against me again.
Are you paralyzed yet? You're way below my expectations, but that's nothing new.
You did well, for one of the sheep. Challenge me again when you learn from your mistakes.
Win Quote (Meteor Strike)
With your ignorance, you only see destruction. It is in fact, a prelude to rebirth!
Defeating me would mean leading the world to destruction. Accept your divine punishment!
Win Quote vs. Akuma
Your destruction is the only thing that will save your cursed fist... You should thank me!
Win Quote vs. Alex
A mere street fighter like you has no chance to win... or even knock me off my feet!
Win Quote vs. Dudley
Your pride has done you in again... It's about time you lost it!
Win Quote vs. Elena
My power is righteous! Repent your misguided actions now!
Win Quote vs. Gill
You dare to imitate my power? You shall suffer for this insult!
Win Quote vs. Hugo
Your battered body should teach you something! Remember it if you dare to fight again.
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
Your efforts are useless! Interfering with my divine plan will only serve to annoy me.
Win Quote vs. Ken
Those fake flames fail to serve your immortality... Therefore, your end is near.
Win Quote vs. Necro
It was a mistake to have considered you. Your pathetic destiny is now set in stone!
Win Quote vs. Oro
Your Senjitsu is puny in comparison! Have you realized that my power is the only true power?!
Win Quote vs. Ryu
Now, what is the one thing you've gained from your humiliation? Tell me now!
Win Quote vs. Sean
If you were reincarnated a hundred times, I would still rule... And you would still suck!
Win Quote vs. Urien
Brother... The differences between us are obvious. Go on your way now!
Win Quote vs. Yang
Such a child! No matter how cool you think you are, death shall humble you!
Win Quote vs. Yun
How unfortunate... Are you disappointed after seeing your true strength?
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Before Battle with CPU Alex
Gill: I've been waiting for you, Alex. Since the first time we met, I knew that our destinies were intertwined... I knew that you would seek me out to learn the truth...
Alex: What do you mean you knew I would come here...? Your visions don't impress me. I just want to beat you down!! I know that I'll find what I've been looking for, once I destroy you.
Gill: I knew you would say that... Ha ha ha! Let us embrace our destiny!!
Win Quote
Immortality is not a gift. It is a responsibility.
A supreme being's influence is the key to his power.
Two centuries... A mere blink upon the face of eternity...
My methods may seem harsh in contrast to my true intentions.
Rest for now, then perform the great work that is ahead of you!
You will have to exceed your limitations if you wish to survive.
The stage has been set. Do not interfere with my grand performance!
It is natural for you to desire that which you can never have or achieve!
Street Fighter 5
Street Fighter V

Character Select
The time has arrived. Come on.
Harmony. That is the truth of what you must seek.
Round Win
All according to the prophecy.
Round Win (Low Health)
It is time to proceed with the plan...
Round Win (Perfect)
What did you see at the Gate of Harmony?
We will all live in harmony.
Win Quote
Playtime is over.
I will show you the way.
Everything is as it was written.
What did you see in my Harmonious Gate?
Life and death, destruction and regeneration, love and hate... Everything is in harmony.
Win Quote vs. Abigail
Power alone won't suffice. Destiny cannot be denied.
Win Quote vs. Akuma
So power... is what you desired...
Win Quote vs. Alex
An undiscovered ocean... That's what you desire? The fight for it as meaningless as it may be.
Win Quote vs. Balrog
A crude desire... I doubt that is what you truly want. You've just yet to discover that which you cherish.
Win Quote vs. Birdie
A prosperous world that knows no famine... It can be yours if you so desire.
Win Quote vs. Bison
The time is nigh... All uncertainty must be eliminated, no matter how trivial.
Win Quote vs. Blanka
A vulgar beast would better understand the justness of my harmony.
Win Quote vs. Cammy
If you're tired, you should rest. There's no shame in it. You fought well.
Win Quote vs. Chun Li
Hmm... Do you already possess that which you sought?
Win Quote vs. Cody
I will fight you if you so desire... Not that you stand a chance against a god.
Win Quote vs. Dan
To not know what one seeks... perhaps that too is harmony.
Win Quote vs. Dhalsim
When you close your eyes, all you see is me.
Win Quote vs. E. Honda
Fighting is a ritual to you? Then offer your prayers to me.
Win Quote vs. Ed
An uncertainty? No, not yet...
Win Quote vs. F.A.N.G
To be mistaken about a kneeling foe... Pathetic.
Win Quote vs. Falke
I will grant you everything from peace to freedom. Just sleep...
Win Quote vs. G
An undocumented power... Is this person just a clown, or perhaps...
Win Quote vs. Gill
The time draws ever closer... Our plan must go into motion before this star decays.
Win Quote vs. Guile
You should be with your family... For that is surely what you desire.
Win Quote vs. Ibuki
Friends, love... Mere trivialities. Everything is as it's been written.
Win Quote vs. Juri
You need not be bold or arrogant... Gaze upon me. You're but a mere shadow of myself.
Win Quote vs. Kage
Vacant one... I will grant you your demise.
Win Quote vs. Karin
The Land of Prosperity? Fear not, for it is inside of me.
Win Quote vs. Ken
Hopelessness. Is that what you saw? How fascinating...
Win Quote vs. Kolin
That's right! The time approaches!
Win Quote vs. Laura
You wish to develop your own fighting style? Then put your faith in me, for I am eternal.
Win Quote vs. Lucia
Who am I? I'm the emperor, savior of the world.
Win Quote vs. Menat
You could see if you'd just open your eyes. See my power and what's to come.
Win Quote vs. Nash
Death... If that is the peace you wish for, your wish is my desire.
Win Quote vs. Necalli
...A variant. It must be removed for the sake of the time to come.
Win Quote vs. Poison
Is this a show? That's fine. When the time comes, the world will serve as the emperor's stage.
Win Quote vs. R. Mika
Glory, victory, comrades... You're welcome to your foolish little dreams.
Win Quote vs. Rashid
There is no need to ask why we fight. Everything will be in harmony when the time comes.
Win Quote vs. Rose
You can see all that has been and will be? Hmm. Intriguing.
Win Quote vs. Ryu
The path... I see. So you've seen it.
Win Quote vs. Sagat
There are heights that mortal men can never hope to achieve... That's what it means to be an emperor.
Win Quote vs. Sakura
You seem lost. All you must do is my bidding.
Win Quote vs. Seth
You appear to have no idea who you are.
Win Quote vs. Urien
I, Emperor Gill, will accomplish the grand schemes of our organization. My destiny cannot be altered...
Win Quote vs. Vega
Prostrated before me, hanging your head... Truly a thing of beauty.
Win Quote vs. Zangief
If it's a tempered body you seek, you should play with your opponent.
Win Quote vs. Zeku
All living things age, weaken, and die. It's an inescapable fact.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)