Dialogue (Old - New)
Plasma Sword
Before Battle with CPU Bilstein
Gantetsu: So you're Bilstein! I sense disaster.
Bilstein: Ah! You use the same green Plasma type... Only more powerful...
Gantetsu: There's a bearded general in your army. Where is he?!
Bilstein: I don't have to say anything to one who will be my subject!
Before Battle with CPU Hayato
Gantetsu: Alright! I say we party hard in celebration of my victory! Hey guys! I'll take you to my favorite place! Let's go! I couldn't find that bearded guy after all. Where did he go...?
Hayato: Hey Gantetsu! Why don't you sing a song!
Gantetsu: Sure, I'll sing my favorite one... Unless anyone has any requests? What? ...He must be! Yes, that's the bearded guy I've been looking for! Okay, I can't miss out on this chance... Hey, you! I'm gonna kick your ass!
Before Battle with CPU Prince
Gantetsu: Hey, fun boy! You know the bearded warrior in armor?
Prince: A bearded armored warrior? Sorry, can't help you! Ho ho ho!
Gantetsu: So you do know! I don't need your help. Either talk or fight!
Prince: Ah! What did you say? How dare you speak like that to me!
Defeated CPU Prince
What happened? You doubt you have the guts, isn't that it?
Gantetsu: Alright! I say we party hard in celebration of my victory! Hey guys! I'll take you to my favorite place! Let's go! Come on! Drink up! What? You think I'm a worthless drunk?
His party went on for days... Some say it never really ended...
Special Ending
Gantetsu: ...You are impressive! I like you!! How about a drink?
Gerelt: You mean you will forgive me? Thank you. Let me buy you a drink, then.
Win Quote
I did it! I look cool now, don't I?
You aren't bad. How about going out for a drink?
Hey! You dare claim to be a soldier? Show some spirit!
You don't have enough power to beat me. Eat more spinach!
Effort, guts, and victory! What a sweet sound these words have!
Plasma power? I don't care! I'll crush it with my monstrous strength!
I'll smash you to the end of the universe if that's what you really want!
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)