Dialogue (Old - New)
Galaxy Fight
(CPU) Before Battle with Alvan
How's that curse I have cast on your planet? It must be extremely interesting to live there now!
(CPU) Before Battle with G. Done
Long time no see you, another myself. Go ahead and show me how your power has grown.
(CPU) Before Battle with Gunter
You are longing for power... Let me have fun for a while.
(CPU) Before Battle with Juri
Ultimate beauty will be achieved at the moment the spirit and the body separate. I'm here to free your soul!
(CPU) Before Battle with Kazuma
The one squirming around out there in the darkness! I'll let you be enveloped in my flames forever...
(CPU) Before Battle with Musafar
Ha, ha, ha, I've found a really nice toy to play with!
(CPU) Before Battle with Rolf
I'll teach you the wonder of destruction and the joy of death!
(CPU) Before Battle with Roomi
I will make you stop your nonsense. However, I won't put you to death right away. First, I am going to spoil you.
(CPU) Defeated
What the...Aghhhh!
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Alvan
Ha. ha, ha, you don't care at all about such a curse cast on your planet, do you?
(CPU) Win Quote vs. G. Done
You are no more than my other self... That's all.
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Gunter
You fell short of my expectations... Quite disappointing...
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Juri
Neither strong nor beautiful, you are. You should be estimated less than naught.
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Kazuma
Feels nice to be embraced by my flames, doesn't it?
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Musafar
Is that all you can manage to do? Just a broken toy....
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Rolf
Looks like this is the end of the hero of the Galaxy...
(CPU) Win Quote vs. Roomi
You haven't kick the bucket yet, have you? Don't tell me you're not even going to let me spoil you for a short while.
Fighter ID
(by Name)
(by Bio)